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Beyond the Words
"This short film by Nic Askew of Soul Biographies has been called "the epitome of joy." Through the delightful presence of Feliciano Pop from Guatemala, we are asked to consider what language is beyond our simple understanding of words. Is there a language that we can all understand if we choose to listen and notice what is happening; if we pay attention with our heart? Prepare to smile and to sin... posted on Oct 14 2022, 2,050 reads


Connecting Individual & Societal Change
"Disaster relief workers, activists, social entrepreneurs, health-care providers, teachers, and others actively weaving the healthy, just, and caring fabric of our society live and work at the heart of great challenges. But even as these change makers find solutions and make progress, many are burning out and experiencing a host of personal challenges such as depression, divorce, and the early ons... posted on Oct 13 2022, 1,207 reads


To Know The World
"I wrote To Know the World: A New Vision for Environmental Learning because I believe that we are entering an unprecedented era of global environmental change, requiring new approaches to both teaching and learning as well as emergent concepts and issues. First and foremost is the convergent tides of change--the inextricable relationships between the health of the biosphere and questions of social... posted on Oct 12 2022, 1,130 reads


The Ecology of Perception
"In this interview, cultural ecologist and philosopher David Abram discusses the animism, power, and potency of the living world. In our current moment of ecological and societal instability he calls on us to remember our inherent participation in the collective, embodied flesh of the Earth."
... posted on Oct 11 2022, 1,440 reads


How to Grow a Home
"To uproot something is inherently traumatic. It says so on every potted hibiscus and jasmine start Ive put in the ground. The instructions are simple: handle the root system with care, be gentle while arranging it into its new home. Transplanting shocks plants, but with enough care they will adapt. Lately Ive been adapting to my partners home in Southern California. Ive been handling myself with ... posted on Oct 10 2022, 1,802 reads


The Value of Rethinking Our Deeply Held Beliefs
"Organizational psychologist and bestselling author Adam Grant examines the value of rethinking deeply-held beliefs in an ever-changing world. He discusses how that approach could reshape our work, politics, and daily discourse for the better." More from Grant in this interview with PBS.... posted on Oct 09 2022, 2,539 reads


In the Mind of a Whale
"On September 12, 2015, Tom Mustill and a friend were on a guided kayak tour in Monterey Bay, off the coast of California. There was so much food in the rich waters of the bay that whales were engaged in an unprecedented feeding frenzy. As kayaks and boats shared the water with the whales, a humpback breached and came down on the two friends. They survived, but the episode sent Mustill--a biologis... posted on Oct 08 2022, 2,509 reads


"Treeline," filmed in three extraordinary forest landscapes across Japan, British Columbia and Nevada, asks us to question: what is a tree? What is our connection to our oldest living companions? When we take the time to really look, to really experience and to really open ourselves to these questions, we begin to realize the great mystery of trees. Giant in scale to other plants, they have a life... posted on Oct 07 2022, 2,124 reads


A Country Called Childhood
"Every generation of children instinctively nests itself in nature, no matter how tiny a scrap of it they can grasp. In a tale of one city child, the poet Audre Lorde remembers picking tufts of grass which crept up through the cracks in paving stones in New York City and giving them as bouquets to her mother. It is a tale of two necessities. The grass must grow, no matter the concrete suppressing ... posted on Oct 06 2022, 1,712 reads


I See You! I Am Here!


"For centuries, African Bushmen have greeted each other in this way. When one becomes aware of his brother or sister coming out of the brush, he exclaims, 'I See You!' and then the one approaching rejoices, 'I Am Here!'" Mark Nepo shares more in this beautiful excerpt from, "The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to... posted on Oct 05 2022, 4,823 reads


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Stories make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving.
Madeleine L'Engle

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